Monday 9 October 2017

GAGHA Biannual Conference

Have you heard of the German-Australian Genealogy & History Alliance (GAGHA)?
In May 2016, Dirk Weissleder from the Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft genealogischer Verbände e.V. (DAGV – the umbrella organisation of German genealogical societies) contacted several individuals and genealogy and family history societies around Australia with a view of creating a network similar to the German American Genealogical Partnership (GAGP). GAGP has subsequently been renamed as the International German Genealogy Partnership (IGGP). In September 2016 GAGHA was formed as an alliance of genealogy and family history societies with an interest in German-Australian history, culture and genealogy. GAGHA joined the International German Genealogy Partnership (IGGP) in February 2017.
GAGHA will be holding its first biannual conference on 17-19 August 2018 in Adelaide. Titled GAGHACon 2018: Australisches Deutschtum it will provide an opportunity for those of us who are interested in German-Australian genealogy and history to get together and network and learn. The venue is at Union House, University of Adelaide, Victoria Drive, Adelaide. Registrations will open in February 2018. Follow the link on the GAGHA website
Of course, many of us live a long way away from Adelaide, but it is planned to stream the sessions so that members of GAGHA who cannot get to Adelaide can watch the presentations locally.
Do you have a presentation or a story about any aspect of German-Australian history or culture that is interesting and of use to others? Consider telling your story whether it is from research, a project, an exhibition or your society. Let others know what is happening around Australia. There is a call for talks with proposals due 31 December 2017. See the link on the GAGHA website